Saturday, April 20, 2013


CANNIBAL MANIAC from Art Massacre on Vimeo.

Our 1st screening at Fright Fest, Gainesville, GA., 2003 and the FILM THREAT interview that followed.

(an early review by PlanetFury's very own SuperHeidi)
"Cannibal Maniac is a film that copies no other film before. - Its a truly original story by Annette Martinez and Lou Garcia. - All in all, a very great short film that has great style and originality."
 "That some people have said that this daft experimental excursion of gore and ear splitting music was influential, is in all probability not very far from the truth after all. For one thing, it was circulated to all of the top indie horror reviewers in 2003 and I have it on good authority that it was bootlegged and traded amongst many of the Hollywood insiders. Countless A,B,&D list producers and directors alike watched this quietly in their homes and took note. Anyone genuinely interested in this can time stamp and research it in comparison to a number of prominent films in this genre/style that most certainly, followed. If nothing else, it was definitely on the cutting edge and 2 steps ahead of the pack."
-Nigel Chaupingbloch, reviewer

"They straight ripped off CANNIBAL MANIAC for the ending of the DAWN OF THE DEAD remake. I know they had to have seen your movie."
-Jason Anonymous, producer

"There've definitely been imitators and even a band that very flatteringly named themselves after this nasty short. I wouldn't say it's the best quality picture but I credit the filmmakers as being intelligent enough to know that. Firstly, it was shot on mostly very low grade video but that's what makes it so great. It's very unpretentious and straight ahead in its approach... hilarious, free and totally brutal!! Not many of their contemporaries had the guts or creativity to do anything this unique or technically challenging."
-Errin Possomshock, producer

"Everybody in the 'indie horror' scene that I met during that time was primarily interested in becoming some sort of imaginary minor celebrity. What surprised me about Lou and Annette when I finally met them in person was that they were so clearly focused on just making great movies. Their work over the years has gotten better and better. I still get excited every time they release something new and somewhere, someone with the insight will pay for the golden goose rather than try to steal it."
-Fred Instead, the b-movie crowd spy

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