Thursday, November 20, 2014


2006, ACID BATH: 76 mins - Unrated
In 2006, Acid Bath was independently released and presented to various distributors, not a single distributor was interested. "What movie is it like?" or "Let's change the title!" and "Try a more conventional approach." were some of the responses we got. Meanwhile, ACID BATH swept across the underground horror circuits of North and South America, screening at prominent events such as Cinema Wasteland and Festa Horror Trash and even had a Drive-In screening in Canada. As we continued to receive words of fond praise from the community of dedicated movie viewers who actually watch this form of extreme cinema, it was clear we'd made an interesting movie. We know our target audience because we're part of it. So we made the movie WE wanted to see. Now, there's only one way to be sure, see it for yourself. It's got gore, cute chicks, martial arts, lots of practical old school raw special effects, a few digital effects, cracked out editing, splattered out madness, original punk and thrash metal bands, ghetto-ass crime syndicate organ harvesting, a crazed killer on the loose and a reckless bounty hunter that just wants to have some fun and make a few bucks.