Thursday, November 20, 2014


2006, ACID BATH: 76 mins - Unrated
In 2006, Acid Bath was independently released and presented to various distributors, not a single distributor was interested. "What movie is it like?" or "Let's change the title!" and "Try a more conventional approach." were some of the responses we got. Meanwhile, ACID BATH swept across the underground horror circuits of North and South America, screening at prominent events such as Cinema Wasteland and Festa Horror Trash and even had a Drive-In screening in Canada. As we continued to receive words of fond praise from the community of dedicated movie viewers who actually watch this form of extreme cinema, it was clear we'd made an interesting movie. We know our target audience because we're part of it. So we made the movie WE wanted to see. Now, there's only one way to be sure, see it for yourself. It's got gore, cute chicks, martial arts, lots of practical old school raw special effects, a few digital effects, cracked out editing, splattered out madness, original punk and thrash metal bands, ghetto-ass crime syndicate organ harvesting, a crazed killer on the loose and a reckless bounty hunter that just wants to have some fun and make a few bucks.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Carnage in the Slave Pit!

Our very first run of CARNAGE vinyl stickers. YEAH!

"CARNAGE IN THE SLAVE PIT 2035 A.D." is a comic series drawn by artist/creator Lou Garcia.

Friday, May 30, 2014

DxFxCx - Galactic Maniac

Shot on 16mm film in 2008, and cut to a hardcore punk track by Brasilia D.F.'s very own DFC. This song was recorded in 2004 and was originally intended to be for a collaboration that was shelved. I decided that both have been sitting around unused for far too long and cut this together. Here they are at last.

Live performances by Annette Martinez as Eena-6, Roberto Anguiano as Ral-13, Noel Aguilar & Mario Faught as the Reclamation Droid. Art design, lighting, camera, story, & editing by Lou Garcia. Shot on a Krasnogorsk-3 on checkout from the Los Angeles City College film dept and on a Bolex H16-M5, on Kodak Reversal stock.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

how was stolen from us by

For some damned fool reason, in 2012 we switched our domain name registrar to without realizing what a shitty company they are. I guess it's just proof that aggressive marketing and an extremely stupid company name can go a long way. Had we known that they support the slaying of elephants, that would not have happened. But, the reason we even found that information, is that godaddy stole our URL, which now defaults to Here's their scam:

A)when the renewal came up, we received no notice.

B)we called by phone to sort it out and their representative lied to us and said there was no email associated with the account!
That seems odd since we registered the account by email to begin with!!

C)we called again and another rep said there was an email associated with the account but couldn't tell us what it is. they agreed to send us a notice/password change prompt, which we of course never received.

D) fell into their auction pool scam which we were told by them that we could bid on to buy it back from them. But first, we'd have to buy a special account that allows us to bid on their auctions!

In short, they cut us off from our domain name and attempted to extort us into buying it back from them.

Anyway, there are videos on youtube of CEO Bob Parsons, the guy who founded GoDaddy. He killed a bull elephant, then gloated over the dead elephant's body, then later tried to justify it and make himself out to be a hero. Lame.

CEO Bob Parsons Killing Elephant

godaddy for dummies

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

retrospective update 02

(THE END)-2012
in some bizarre attempt at experimenting with a new look we fall off the cliff completely.
all attempts at creating a new film group fall by the wayside.
despite our gifted new talent and beautiful show dogs we quietly fold the tent.

trying to revitalize our inspiration the grim portrayal of how we feel takes control of our work.

more gruesome acts and psychopathic behavior ensue as we return to shoot in Van Nuys, CA.
the more polished our movies get, the more our audience quietly drops off.

our efforts morph into a preoccupation with NAZI atrocities.
we make a movie about the lesser mentioned underground railroad and continue on into the dark world of rape, murder and desperate fugitives.

our roots return temporarily for an excursion into the world of the mentally disabled.
death makes an impromptu visit.

retrospective update 01

(WRP ACCUSED music video)-2005

after CM we temporarily join forces with the ACCUSED.
Something Weird Video provides archive footage.

(2nd WRP M2099 music video)-2007
several years later during the initial collapse of our production group.
our partnership with Brazilian soundtrack artists provides the lead to this controversial footage.
the switch to a brutal vision of narco-drugtrafficking and the humor begins to taper off.

(1st WRP M2099 music video)-2003
shot in our living room in Van Nuys, CA.
we were very excited about the warm reception we received for CM and followed up with this.